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Table 2 Indicators of evaluation

From: KGSCS—a smart care system for elderly with geriatric chronic diseases: a knowledge graph approach

Chapter of the Care Report

Indicators of evaluation

Basic information

The extent to which the elderly basic information graph helps caregivers to have a clearer understanding of the overall basic information of the elderly

The extent to which a clear understanding of the elderly's income and expenses helps in providing care management for the elderly

The extent to which a clear understanding of the elderly's current illness, medical history, and family medical history helps in providing care management for the elderly

The extent to which understanding the elderly's preferences, exercise habits, and social situation helps in providing care management for the elderly

The extent to which the care risk analysis of basic information helps caregivers in care management

Health support

The extent to which the elderly's Physical health graph helps caregivers to have a clearer understanding of the overall physical health of the elderly

The extent to which a clear understanding of the elderly's medication situation helps in providing care management for the elderly

The extent to which a clear understanding of the elderly's behavior and clinical manifestations helps in providing care management for the elderly

The extent to which the risk analysis chart for the elderly's physical health helps in providing care management for the elderly

The extent to which the care advice chart for the elderly's physical health helps in providing care management for the elderly

Dietary information

The extent to which the dietary profile graph helps caregivers to have a clearer understanding of the elderly's nutritional status

The extent to which a clear understanding of the elderly's dietary habits and behavior helps in providing care management for the elderly

The extent to which the care risk chart for the elderly's diet information helps in providing care management for the elderly

The extent to which the care advice for the elderly's diet helps in providing care management for the elderly