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Table 1 Technical characteristics and sample size of corneal refractive surgery for cutting

From: Choice of refractive surgery types for myopia assisted by machine learning based on doctors’ surgical selection data

Surgical Method


Number of Samples


It uses a microkeratome to make a pedicled lamellar corneal flap with a diameter of 8\(^{\sim }\)10mm and a thickness of 130\(^{\sim }\)160um. An excimer laser is used to cut a concave surface with a certain diopter on the stromal bed, and then the corneal flap is reset. By changing the corneal front the curvature of the surface achieves the purpose of correcting myopia [43].



There is no need for a mechanical blade or ethanol to remove the corneal epithelium. The laser directly cuts the epithelium and stromal layer on the corneal surface, and no flap is required during the operation [44].



First, a femtosecond laser is used to create a lens in the corneal stroma, then a tiny incision is made to avoid the creation of a corneal flap, and finally, the corneal stromal lens tissue is separated in a small incision of 2-5mm [45].