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Table 1 Characteristics of the studied physicians (N = 4271)

From: Associations of perceived changes in work due to digitalization and the amount of digital work with job strain among physicians: a national representative sample




Age, n (%)

  < 35

681 (15.9)


1190 (27.9)


1131 (26.5)


1269 (29.7)

Gender, n (%)


1459 (34.1)


2771 (64.9)


41 (1.0)

Length of work experience, n (%)

 2–5 years

526 (12.3)

 6–9 years

473 (11.1)

 10–19 years

1102 (25.8)

 20 years or longer

2170 (50.8)

Experience with the current EHR, n (%)

  < 1 year

1184 (27.7)

 1–3 years

1239 (29.0)

  > 3 years

1848 (43.3)

EHR grade, n (%)


2743 (64.2)


1512 (35.4)

 No opinion

16 (0.4)

Working sector, n (%)

 Public hospital

2632 (61.6)

 Public health center

830 (19.4)

 Private clinic or hospital

599 (14.0)


210 (4.9)

Working unit, n (%)


2661 (62.3)


539 (12.6)

 Emergency department

161 (3.8)

 Operative, intensive care, or delivery room

601 (14.1)


146 (3.4)


163 (3.8)

Job strain

 SRISa, mean (SD)

3.5 (1.1)

 Time pressurea, mean (SD)

3.7 (1.1)

Psychological stress, n (%)


1700 (39.8)


2571 (60.2)

Perceived changes in work due to digitalization

More active role of patients, n (%)


1286 (30.1)


1984 (46.5)


1001 (23.4)

Facilitated access to patient information, n (%)


946 (22.2)


1880 (44.0)


1445 (33.8)

Supported decision-making, n (%)


1851 (43.4)


894 (20.9)


1526 (35.7)

Accelerated clinical encounters, n (%)


998 (23.3)


422 (9.9)


2851 (66.8)

Progressed interprofessional collaboration, n (%)


1447 (33.9)


1473 (34.5)


1351 (31.6)

Improved possibilities for preventive work, n (%)


1937 (45.4)


808 (18.9)


1526 (35.7)

Amount of digital work

Number of HISs in daily use, n (%)

  ≤ 2

2691 (63.0)

  ≥ 3

1580 (37.0)

Frequency of teleconsultations, n (%)

 Not at all–to some extent

3602 (84.3)

 Much–very much

669 (15.7)

  1. EHR Electronic health record, SRIS Stress related to information systems
  2. aScale ranged between 1 and 5, where a higher score indicated greater job strain. Variables were based on the questionnaire of the Electronic Health Record Systems as a Tool for Physicians 2021 Study [61]