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Table 7 Characteristics of data associated with the male patient (Number of patients N = 713)

From: Exploring sex disparities in cardiovascular disease risk factors using principal component analysis and latent class analysis techniques

Feature Discretion

Value Range


Min: 29

Mean: 53.8

Max: 77

cp: Chest pain

0 = typical angina 364 (51.1%)

1 = atypical angina 110 (15.4%)

2 = non-angina pain 175 (24.5%)

3 = asymptomatic 64 (9%)

trestbps: Resting blood pressure in mmHg on admission to the hospital

Min: 94

Mean: 130.7

Max: 192

thalach: Maximum heart rate achieved

Min: 71

Mean: 148.4

Max: 202

oldpeak: ST depression induced by exercise relative to rest

Min: 0

Mean: 1.137

Max: 5.6

fbs: Fasting blood sugar s 120 mg/dl

0 = false 602 (84.4%)

1 = true 111 (15.6%)

exang: Exercise-induced angina

0 = no 442 (62%)

1 = yes 271 (38%)

thal: Thallium stress test

1 = normal 64(9%)

2 = fixed defect 292 (41%)

3 = reversible defect 357 (50%)