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Table 2 Examples of pre-processing results for ethnic medical interrogatives

From: Similarity matching of medical question based on Siamese network

Pre-processing questions

Post-processing questions

(How do Dragon Date Capsules from Chinese Ethnic Medicine work, how do they work and what are the precautions to take while taking them?)

中国民族医药的龙枣胶囊功效如何, 怎么使用, 服用期间有什么注意事项?

(How do Dragon Date Capsules from Chinese Ethnic Medicine work, how do they work and what are the precautions to take while taking them ?)

中国 民族 医药 的 龙枣 胶囊 功效 如何, 怎么 使用, 服用 期间 有 什么 注意事项 ?

(Where can I buy Daiyao Xie Sha (Bai Xie Capsules), an ethnic medicine, other than Xishuangbanna, and how much does it cost?)

请问, 傣药雅解沙(百解胶囊)这类民族医药在哪里有卖,除了西双版纳之外, 代购大概需要多少钱, 贵不贵?

(Where can I buy Daiyao Xie Sha ( Bai Xie Capsules), an ethnic medicine, other than Xishuangbanna, and how much does it cost ?)

请问, 傣药 雅解沙 ( 百解 胶囊) 这类 民族 医药 在 哪里 有 卖, 除了 西双版纳 之外, 代购 大概 需要 多少 钱, 贵不贵 ?

(Which of the four major ethnic groups is the ancient formula for hair care that has been handed down in China for thousands of years, and which of the four major ethnic groups of medicine is used by Shangkang Yuan to prevent hair loss?)

中国千年传承的千年育发古方, 尚康源防脱育发采用的四大民族医药是哪个名族?

(Which of the four major ethnic groups is the ancient formula for hair care that has been handed down in China for thousands of years, and which of the four major ethnic groups of medicine is used by Shangkang Yuan to prevent hair loss ?)

中国 千年 传承 的 千年 育发 古方, 尚康源 防脱育发 采用 的 四大 民族 医药 是 哪个 名族 ?