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Table 1 Example of ethnic medicine question pair data

From: Similarity matching of medical question based on Siamese network



Question label

Data type

(How to use Cordyceps Sinensis in chicken soup, for how long and in what quantity? What are the main effects and can older people take it?)

(How to use the valuable Tibetan herb Cordyceps Sinensis in chicken soup, how long and how much is better? What are the main effects and can the elderly take it?)


Positive sample

(What are the precautions to take when taking a Yao herbal bath, and which herbs are mainly used to have an obvious effect on beauty and whitening, and can I soak regularly?)

(Is Yi medicine Hungry Seeking EqiuQi tablets effective in treating diarrhea-type chronic enteritis, how many courses of treatment do I need to take and will it come back?)


Negative sample