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Table 1 List of functional requirements for realizing the entire process management workflow of clinical trials in hospitals

From: Development of an integrated and comprehensive clinical trial process management system


Requirement class

Requirement description


Study Project Approval Management

The application and review of clinical trials should adopt process automation management, including process customization configuration, remote submission of project application, uploading of project materials, automatic generation of to-do tasks, timely message transmission, material annotation, and other supporting functions


Ethical Review Management

Define ethics committee review process and application contents (new protocols, protocol amendments, etc.)


Subject Management

Define the subject management model to ensure that the subjects complete the visit content of each cycle in strict accordance with the research plan


Investigational Product Management

The investigational product should adopt the central pharmacy model to achieve closed-loop management, including receiving, warehousing, distributing, recycling, returning, disposal, and early warning


Financial Management

Clinical trial finance requires independent accounting and management; the subjects’ diagnosis and treatment processes can be exempted from payment, and the system should automatically record costs to achieve direct settlement between the hospital and the sponsor


Quality Management

Define the elements and content of quality management, and the quality control of related data that must be collected during the operation of the system


Privilege Management

Involves multi-role collaboration, defining permissions and data access rules for different roles