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Table 1 Symbolic description of the model (Patient allocation method in major epidemics, China, 2022)

From: Patient allocation method in major epidemics under the situation of hierarchical diagnosis and treatment



The point ensemble in the epidemic area with demand for treatment, \(I = \left\{ {i\left| {i = 1, \cdots ,N_{i} } \right.} \right\}\), where \(N_{i}\) is the total number of epidemic areas


The ensemble of designated hospitals of patients, \(J = \left\{ {j\left| {j = 1, \cdots ,N_{j} } \right.} \right\}\), where \(N_{j}\) is the total number of designated hospitals


The ensemble of patient states, \(P = \left\{ {p\left| {p = 1, \cdots ,N_{j} } \right.} \right\}\), where \(N_{p}\) is the the total number of patient's disease categories


The ensemble of designated hospital level, \(Q = \left\{ {q\left| {q = 1, \cdots ,N_{q} } \right.} \right\}\), where \(N_{q}\) is the the total number of designated hospital level


The ensemble of medical resources, \(K = \left\{ {k\left| {k = 1, \cdots ,N_{k} } \right.} \right\}\), where \(N_{k}\) is the the total number of medical resources categories



Capacity of class k medical resources for hospital j of grade q


Number of patients with Category p in epidemic area i


Distance from epidemic area i to epidemic area j


The number of class k medical resources required per class p patient


Unit allocation matching benefit matrix \(M = [m_{pq} ]_{{N_{p} \times N_{q} }}\), Where \(m_{pq}\) represents the allocation matching benefit coefficient for patients with Category p seen in q-level hospitals


Infinite quantity



Number of patients with Category p admitted in epidemic area i

\(A_{ip}^{{ \star }}\)

Number of patients in category P of epidemic area i waiting to receive treatment

Decision variables


Number of patients with Category p traveling from epidemic area i to q-level hospital j


Number of patients with Category p traveling from epidemic area i to designated hospital j

\(v_{ipjq}^{{ \star }}\)

Number of patients with Category p in epidemic area i assigned to q-level hospital j, and assigned to virtual capacity

\(u_{ipj}^{{ \star }}\)

Number of patients with Category p in epidemic area i who are assigned to hospital j and assigned to the virtual capacity