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Table 4 Participating in system optimization: approaches and user experience (n = 324)

From: Transition to a new nursing information system embedded with clinical decision support: a mixed-method study using the HOT-fit framework







Approaches to participating in system developmenta



I demonstrate system use and put forward relevant requests to technical staff on site

121 (37.35%)

89 (27.47%)

47 (14.51%)


I participate in the system development group meetings led by management as a user representative

108 (33.33%)

76 (23.46%)

32 (9.88%)


I put forward system-related problems and improvement requests on the online shared documents

106 (32.72%)

72 (22.22%)

42 (12.96%)


I put forward system-related problems and improvement suggestions to technical staff through private WeChat / WeChat group

108 (33.33%)

70 (21.6%)

34 (10.49%)


I put forward system-related problems and improvement suggestions to the designated nurse responsible for system development

101 (31.17%)

104 (32.1%)

50 (15.43%)


Experience of technical support during system implementationb



When I want to feed back the problems of the system, I know who to feed back to

32 (9.88%)

136 (41.98%)

153 (47.22%)


The management take our opinions and experience seriously

37 (11.42%)

126 (38.89%)

156 (48.15%)


Technical staff listens to our feedback

51 (15.74%)

127 (39.2%)

143 (44.14%)


Technical staff are aware of our suggestions and experiences

58 (17.9%)

132 (40.74%)

126 (38.89%)


Technical staff modify and improve the system according to our needs

50 (15.43%)

136 (41.98%)

129 (39.81%)


Improvement needs can be implemented quickly enough

65 (20.06%)

135 (41.67%)

99 (30.56%)


According to my experience, our feedback can be conveyed to technical staff all the way up

47 (14.51%)

144 (44.44%)

130 (40.12%)


Technical staff go deep into the clinical setting to understand user requests

74 (22.84%)

133 (41.05%)

98 (30.25%)

  1. a1 = Sometimes, 2 = Often, 3 = Very often. The rest participated Very little/Not much
  2. b1 = neutral, 2 = agree, 3 = strongly agree. The rest disagreed/strongly disagreed
  3. cp < 0.001