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Table 2 A sample of feedback messages

From: A telemonitoring system to support CPAP therapy in patients with obstructive sleep apnea: a participatory approach in analysis, design, and evaluation




Congratulations: your performance was excellent last week!

You used the device more than 4 h a day last week

Using the device regularly, having enough physical activities and a good diet will definitely pull you closer to your goals


The extent to which you used the device last week was very good!

Last week, you used the device more than 4 h a day for 5 days

A regular use of CPAP helps to remove many symptoms of apnea. Moreover, managing many background diseases such as hypertension, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases is facilitated

Using the device regularly, having enough physical activities and a good diet will definitely pull you closer to your goals


Unfortunately, you did not use the device properly last week

In order to improve the disease, you need to use the devise regularly at least 4 h in 24 h. The more regularly you use the device, the more effective it becomes

See details on mask leakage, device pressure, and frequency of respiratory intervals in different days. To solve probable issues, use the educational content provided. If the problem is not solved, consult a doctor or the company staff

The following list is probably the reasons why you did not use the device regularly last week. Please read it carefully and mark each that is true for you. At the end, press the “next” key

  1. *Score: number of days the device was used more than 4 h/total number of day