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Table 1 Behavior change techniques, definition, and content of the application

From: A telemonitoring system to support CPAP therapy in patients with obstructive sleep apnea: a participatory approach in analysis, design, and evaluation

Techniques used



Provision of general information

General information about the behavioral risks and unfavorable consequences of misbehaviors

This technique is used to raise patients’ awareness of the perceived risk of the disease

Definition of disease (basics and facts)

Symptoms of apnea

Risk factors of apnea

Short explanation of the diagnosis and treatment procedures

Healthy sleep habits

PAP therapy (treatment with positive air pressure)

Provision of information about consequences

Information about the benefits, costs and outcomes of showing or not showing a certain behavior

Consequences of apnea

Benefits of using CPAP in preventing diseases and accidents

Benefits of using CPAP for health and well-being

Adverse effects of using the device

Encouragement to act as required

Encouraging someone to decide to act (behavior change) or set a goal to access behavior change

Score of the extent to which the device is used

Barrier identification

Identifying the barriers to showing a certain behavior and planning to overcome them

Side effects and how to avoid them

List of non-adherent patients’ problems and solutions

Destined action

Acknowledging or rewarding someone for the attempts and performance

Feedback message

Task and duty setting

Setting small tasks and duties to change a behavior and increasing the difficulty level to reach the desired behavior

Issues with using the device (the patient is provided with recommendations to get used to the device gradually)

Giving instructions

Giving instructions on planning and implementing desired healthy behaviors

Side effects of using CPAP and how to solve them

Introducing the equipment used

Replacing the equipment

Cleaning the equipment

Troubleshooting and solving issues with the device

How to use the device while travelling

Behavior modeling or showing

Displaying how to behave appropriately to a patient by a specialist

Making videos to include:

Reduced volume of device

Increased ease of mask

Mask maintenance

Solving the mask leakage problem

Cleaning the equipment

Feedback provision

Providing feedback to someone on the recorded behavior and evaluating it against a set of standards or others’ performance

A report on performance within the past week

A report on overall performance

Comparison of actual and expected performance based on standards