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Table 2 Acceptability of the PtDA

From: Decision aids linked to the recommendations in clinical practice guidelines: results of the acceptability of a decision aid for patients with generalized anxiety disorder


What do you think about the AMOUNT of information in the PtDA?


 (1–2) Little information (n, %)

0 (0.0)

 (3–5) Acceptable information (n, %)

5 (45.5)

 (6–7) Too much information (n, %)

6 (54.6)

In general, what information do you think may be MISSING from the tool that you would like to know? Do you have any other comments you would like to make about your impression of the PtDA? (open-ended question)

 I don't think anything is missing (n, %)

3 (27.3)

 Yes, something is missing (n, %)

8 (72.7)

  -What to do with all this information after viewing the PtDA

2 (18.2)

  -Aspects related to the PtDA dynamism

1 (9.1)

  -Aspects related to language

1 (9.1)

  -About other psychological and pharmacological treatments

1 (9.1)

  -Information related to the causes of anxiety

2 (18.2)

  -Side effects of long-term pharmacological treatments and help for family members

1 (9.1)

What do you think about the CLARITY of the information in the PtDA?

 (1–2) Not understood at all (n, %)

0 (0.0)

 (3–5) Some is understood (n, %)

4 (36.4)

 (6–7) It is perfectly understood (n, %)

7 (63.6)

Are there any word(s) that you find difficult to understand or would need to be defined? Which ones?

 No, it seems to be quite clear (n, %)

7 (63.6)

 Yes, it would be necessary to add some extra definition (n, %)

4 (36.4)

In the information referring to how much each of the treatments reduces anxiety and improves quality of life, do you think that the text and the graph shown are clearly undersandable or do you think it could be interpreted differently?

 Do not know (n, %)

1 (9.1)

 No (n, %)

4 (36.4)

 Yes (n, %)

6 (54.6)

Do you think you have learned new things about TREATMENTS for GAD?

 (1–2) I have learned nothing (n, %)

3 (27.3)

 (3–5) I have learned something (n, %)

4 (36.4)

 (6–7) I have learned many things (n, %)

4 (36.4)

Do you think you have learned anything new about the RISKS AND SIDE EFFECTS of treatments for GAD?

 (1–2) I have learned nothing (n, %)

3 (27.3)

 (3–5) I have learned something (n, %)

3 (27.3)

 (6–7) I have learned many things (n, %)

5 (45.5)

Do you think you would ASK YOUR HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONAL about things you have seen and read in the PtDA that you didn't know before?

 (1–2) I would have nothing to ask (n, %)

1 (9.1)

 (3–5) I would ask some questions (n, %)

7 (63.6)

 (6–7) I would ask many questions (n, %)

3 (27.3)

Format and navigation

Do you find this help tool easy to use?

 (1) Strongly disagree (n, %)

0 (0)

 (2) Quite disagree (n, %)

0 (0)

 (3) Neither agree nor disagree (n, %)

4 (36.4)

 (4) Quite agree (n, %)

2 (18.2)

 (5) Strongly agree (n, %)

5 (45.5)

Do you think this help tool is visually appealing?

 (1) Strongly disagree (n, %)

0 (0)

 (2) Quite disagree (n, %)

1 (9.1)

 (3) Neither agree nor disagree (n, %)

3 (27.3)

 (4) Quite agree (n, %)

1 (9.1)

 (5) Strongly agree (n, %)

6 (54.6)

Do you think that this help tool is entertaining?

 (1) Strongly disagree (n, %)

0 (0)

 (2) Quite disagree (n, %)

1 (9.1)

 (3) Neither agree nor disagree (n, %)

1 (9.1)

 (4) Quite agree (n, %)

3 (27.3)

 (5) Strongly agree (n, %)

6 (54.6)

Overall appraisal

Do you think that this tool is useful?

 (1) Strongly disagree (n, %)

0 (0)

 (2) Quite disagree (n, %)

0 (0)

 (3) Neither agree nor disagree (n, %)

3 (27.3)

 (4) Quite agree (n, %)

2 (18.2)

 (5) Strongly agree (n, %)

6 (54.6)

If you had to choose a treatment for your GAD, would you use this PtDA to help you?

 (1) Strongly disagree (n, %)

0 (0)

 (2) Quite disagree (n, %)

1 (9.1)

 (3) Neither agree nor disagree (n, %)

2 (18.2)

 (4) Quite agree (n, %)

3 (27.6)

 (5) Strongly agree (n, %)

5 (45.5)

If you had a friend with generalized anxiety, would you RECOMMEND this web PtDA?

 (1–3) Would not recommend it at all (n, %)

0 (0.0)

 (4–5) Would recommend it in part (n, %)

3 (27.3)

 (6–7) Would recommend it absolutely (n, %)

8 (72.7)

  1. (*) Scale developed and adapted by the researchers following the methodology proposed by Turner et al. [28]
  2. GAD: Generalized Anxiety Disorder
  3. PtDA: Patient Decision Aids