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Table 3 Stress explanation features

From: Medically-oriented design for explainable AI for stress prediction from physiological measurements





\(\mu _{HR}, \sigma _{HR}\)

Mean, standard deviation,


Maximum and minimum heart rate (bpm)


Variance in HRV in the high frequency range (.15–.40 Hz)


Variance in HRV in the low frequency range (.04–.15 Hz)

\(\vert \mu \vert _{NN}, \sigma _{NN},Mad_{NN}\)

Mean of the absolute values, standard deviation, median absolute deviation


Median, and median-based coefficient of variation of the successive differences between the RR intervals


Root mean square(RMS) of the RR interval

\(PNN_{20}\), \(PNN_{50}\)

Number of interval differences of successive RR intervals greater than 20 ms or greater than 50 ms


\(\mu _{EMG}, \sigma _{EMG}\)

Mean, standard deviation, maximum, and minimum

\(Max_{EMG}, Min_{EMG}\)

Values of EMG activity in the lower trapezius


Number of peaks in signal, normalized RMS value


50th, 90th percentile of rank-ordered RMS values


\(\mu _{WristEDA},\sigma _{WristEDA}\)

Mean, standard deviation, maximum, and minimum

\(Max_{WristEDA}, Min_{WristEDA}\)

Values of EDA connected to the user’s wrist

\(\mu _{ChestEDA},\sigma _{ChestEDA}\)

Mean, standard deviation, maximum, and minimum

\(Max_{ChestEDA}, Min_{ChestEDA}\)

Values of EDA connected to the user’s chest

\(\mu _{ChestSCL},\sigma _{ChestSCL}\)

Means and standard deviations of the skin

\(\mu _{ChestSCR},\sigma _{ChestSCR}\)

Onductance level and skin conductance response


\(\mu _{RespRate},\sigma _{RespRate}\)

Mean, standard deviation, maximum

\(Max_{RespRate}, Min_{RespRate}\)

and minimum of the respiration rate


\(\mu _{WristTemp},\sigma _{WristTemp}\)

Mean, standard deviation,

\(Max_{WristTemp}, Min_{WristTemp}\)

Maximum and minimum values of the temperature measured from the user’s wrist