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Table 2 Characteristics of Facilities, Serving Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) Patients, Cerner Health Facts™, 2010–2016

From: Use of large scale EHR data to evaluate A1c utilization among sickle cell disease patients

Facility characteristics

HF cohort

n = 393 facilities


(ratio = 0)

N = 74 facilities


(0 < ratio < 0.126)

N = 61 facilities


(ratio > 0.363)

N = 60 facilities

SCD patients: Mean (Range)*

110 (1–2803)

34 (1–1661)

254 (8–2003)

13 (1–147)

Prevalence of SCD patients with A1c test: Mean % (Range)**

11 (0–100)

0 (0–0)

7 (0.2–12.5)

67 (36.5–100)

Census region: No. of facilities (%)



79 (20)

19 (26)

7 (11)

13 (21)


68 (17)

9 (12)

7 (11)

17 (28)


162 (41)

23 (31)

39 (64)

9 (15)


84 (21)

23 (31)

8 (13)

21 (35)

Bed size range: No. of facilities (%)


 < 5*

134 (34)

20 (27)

14 (23)

27 (44)


105 (27)

39 (53)

12 (20)

18 (30)


59 (15)

7 (10)


6 (10)


45 (12)

3 (4)

15 (26)

6 (10)


29 (7)

1 (1)

6 (10)

1 (2)


21 (5)

4 (5)

1 (1)

2 (3)

Teaching: No. of facilities (%)**

109 (28)

14 (19)

28 (46)

13 (21)

Urban: No. of facilities (%)

300 (76)

55 (74)

48 (79)

48 (79)

Acute care: No. of facilities (%)

286 (73)

59 (80)

51 (84)

41 (67)

  1. Ratio refers to the prevalence of SCD patients with A1c tests
  2. SCD, Sickle Cell Disease
  3. Adherent facilities are facilities with at least one patient with an SCD diagnosis code but no code for an A1c test ordered for an SCD patient
  4. Minor non-adherent (NA-1) facilities are facilities where the prevalence of SCD patients with A1c tests is lesser than the 25th percentile value (12.6%)
  5. Major non-adherent (NA-4) facilities are facilities where the prevalence of SCD patients with A1c tests is greater than the 75th percentile value (36.3%)
  6. Statistical significance compared between Adherent, NA-1 and NA-4 cohorts are indicated by *p < 0.05 and **p < 0.001