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Table 2 The collection and analysis of the data

From: User knowledge factors that hinder the design of new home healthcare devices: investigating thirty-eight devices and their manufacturers

Data sources



Stage 1: Analysis of the project documents and the strategic management documents of the selected HHCDs



Thirty-four open codes

Nine initial themes to be further explored, e.g., insufficient understanding of the users, excessively use of second-hand user information

Stage 2: Interviews with the twelve project leaders



Forty-five open codes

Four refined themes, i.e., source of user information, impact of user insights, factors determining the success of new HHCD development, reasons for developing new HHCDs

Descriptive statistics, e.g., the frequency of the execution of in-house user research during the projects, the sources of user data applied in individual projects, and the critical reasons for developing new devices

Stage 3: Interviews with the six departmental representatives (besides the project leaders)