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Table 2 Selected diagnostic characteristics of practice-derived scores and HCC scores versus expenditure and utilization outcomes (N = 3,381)

From: Primary care practices’ ability to predict future risk of expenditures and hospitalization using risk stratification and segmentation


Practice: high risk

HCC: high risk

Δ (Practice-HCC)

Average (range)

Average (range)

ED ≥ 2 (12%)



0.3 (0.14, 0.69)

0.32 (0.17, 0.6)

− 0.02


0.25 (0.15, 0.33)

0.28 (0.23, 0.33)

− 0.03


0.76 (0.57, 0.87)

0.76 (0.53, 0.87)


Hospitalization ≥ 1 (14%)



0.26 (0.1, 0.53)

0.36 (0.16, 0.6)

− 0.10**


0.24 (0.15, 0.33)

0.34 (0.27, 0.5)

− 0.10**


0.74 (0.51, 0.84)

0.77 (0.54, 0.86)

− 0.03

Expenditures ≥ 30k (9%)



0.26 (0.07, 0.54)

0.4 (0.22, 0.66)

− 0.14**


0.16 (0.06, 0.32)

0.24 (0.19, 0.32)

− 0.08**


0.77 (0.51, 0.88)

0.79 (0.55, 0.9)

− 0.02

  1. ED = Emergency Department use; PPV = Positive Predictive Value, or (True Positives)/(True Positives + False Positives); Sensitivity = True Positives/(True Positives + False Negatives); Accuracy = (True Positives + True Negatives)/All Cases; 30k = 30,000; HCC = Hierarchical Condition Category score
  2. *p value < .05; **p value < .01; ***p value < .001