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Table 1 Summarizing the previous studies of predicting ART outcome

From: CNFE-SE: a novel approach combining complex network-based feature engineering and stacked ensemble to predict the success of intrauterine insemination and ranking the features

Research problem



Analytical method


Predicting IVF outcomes

5275 records

67 different features

Combination of Decision Tree and Genetic algorithm

Low predictive accuracy with 73%

Patient-specific predictions of outcome after IUI

1438 patients who underwent 3375 IUI cycles

8 features

Logistic regression analysis

A few numbers of features

Predictive modeling of implantation outcome in IVF

3898 embryos

18 features

Naive Bayes, Decision Tree, K Nearest Neighbors, SVM, multilayer perceptron, radial basis function network

A small number of features

Determine the impact of sperm morphology on the success of IUI

412 couples with 530 IUI cycles

12 features

statistical analysis

A few samples studied

Outcome prediction of IUI based on sperm morphology and progressively motile sperm count

4251 first IUI cycles of 1166 couples

9 features

multivariable logistic regression

A few features considered

Predicting live birth after IVF complete cycle

113,873 women data

Age and duration of infertility

Logistic regression

A few difference makers considered

Identifying and choosing the best sperms for ICSI

219 patients

13 features

Naive Bayes, SVM, MLP, IBK, K-Star, Random Committee, J48, Random Forest

Small set of patients

IVF outcome prediction relying on endometrial transcriptions

25 patients

20 feature

PCA and HCA clustering

Small number of patients

Predicting Implantation Outcome of IVF and ICSI

the data of 486 patients

21 features

SVM, Adaboost, RPART, RF, 1-NN

A few features considered

Predicting the impact of homologous semen on the success rate of IUI

556 couples with 1401 IUI cycles

16 features

Logistic regression

Small dataset

Assessing the effects of FSH and clomiphene citrate on infertile women with unexplained infertility

2259 IUI cycles of 684 couples

6 features

Logistic regression

A few determinative factors studied

Outcome prediction of ART

257 infertile couples

12 features


Small dataset

Prediction of implantation after blastocyst transfer in IVF or ICSI

1052 patients in

32 features

Random Forest, Multivariate logistic regression model

A small number of features