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Table 1 Acute kidney injury alerts design and rationale

From: Development and initial implementation of electronic clinical decision supports for recognition and management of hospital-acquired acute kidney injury

Design features


Criteria for alert

Change in serum creatinine based on KDIGO criteria, employing the National Health Service England algorithm. The change in creatinine between the reference value (measured in hospital) and the baseline value taken from the prior 7 days if available, and if not available, then a median of all values from one year prior to the reference value


Alerts are non-interruptive to avoid alert fatigue from multiple disruptive notifications to healthcare providers

Available to all

Alerts are available to all healthcare providers due to their diverse roles on the units and to allow for a concerted response by the care team for managing AKI

Alerts deployed at specific locations

The surgical units where the alerts are deployed were chosen based on their high incidence of AKI (identified through preliminary work) and the main initial management responses for AKI related to therapy with fluids and management of medications

  1. AKI Acute kidney injury, KDIGO Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes