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Table 2 Development and structure of the risk information about the likelihood of occurrence for each experimental condition

From: Communicating tailored risk information of cancer treatment side effects: Only words or also numbers?


Verbal-only condition

Verbal and numerical combined condition





Low probability rate

This side effect is common

This side effect is common in [gender] like you, aged between [age group] years with advanced colon cancer

This side effect is common (occurs in 10 out of 100 people)

This side effect is common (occurs in 10 out of 100 [gender] like you, aged between [age group] with advanced colon cancer)

High probability rate

This side effect is very common

This side effect is very common in [gender] like you, aged between [age group] with advanced colon cancer

This side effect is very common (occurs in 40 out of 100 people)

This side effect is very common (occurs in 40 out of 100 [gender] like you, aged between [age group] with advanced colon cancer)

  1. The risk information was presented in Dutch to the participants