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Table 1 Encoding operated, required, dependent, and ordered constraints for CDEs with prefix notation. Examples of (A) an operated constraint for calculating BMI, (B) a required constraint for demography information, (C) a dependent constraint for smoking history, and (D) an ordered constraint

From: Composite CDE: modeling composite relationships between common data elements for representing complex clinical data


Example of Clinical Documents

Set of CDE IDs and Names

Prefix Notation for Formulating Constraints

A) Operated

Weight (kg):

Height (cm):

BMI (kg/m2):

CDE30 Body Weight Value in kg

CDE31 Body Height Value in cm

CDE32 Body Mass Index Value

(IF (= CDE31.unit_of_measure ā€˜mā€™) (/ CDE30 CDE31 CDE31) (/ CDE30 CDE31 CDE31 100,100));

(/ CDE30 CDE31 CDE31 100,100)

B) Required

1) *Patient Age:

2) *Gender

ā˜ Female ā˜ Male ā˜ Unknown

ā˜ Unspecified ā˜ Not reported

3) Ethnicity:

ā˜ Hispanic or Latino ā˜ Unknown

ā˜ Not Hispanic or Latino ā˜ Not reported

CDE40 Patient Age

CDE41 Patient Gender

CDE42 Patient Ethnicity

(Required CDE40 CDE41)

C) Dependent

Smoking History

1) *Current tobacco use?

ā˜ Yes ā˜ No ā˜ Unknown

2) *Past tobacco use?

ā˜ Yes ā˜ No ā˜ Unknown

3) Age when tobacco use started (years)?

(Skip if Q1 and Q2 are both No)

CDE20 Current Smoking Indicator

CDE21 Past Smoking Indicator

CDE22 Age When Tobacco Use Started

(IF (or (!= CDE20 ā€˜Yesā€™) (!= CDE21 ā€˜Yesā€™)) CDE22 NULL)

D) Ordered

(Ordered CDE20 CDE21 CDE22)