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Table 2 Key elements and themes identified during stakeholder engagement meetings that will inform the development of a personalized decision aid program. QALYs = quality-adjusted life years

From: Providing guidance for genomics-based cancer treatment decisions: insights from stakeholder engagement for post-prostatectomy radiation therapy

Personalized decision aid program: key design element from stakeholder engagement meetings


 • Web portal available for patients and providers to access decision aid report at any time or place

 • Decision aid needs to be accessible on computers and mobile devices and easily printable

 • Focus on anonymous data structures that are not automatically linked to electronic medical records

 • Interactive model that allows patients and clinicians to iteratively adjust model assumptions and observe the impact on model reports

 • Personalized model inputs to include cancer recurrence (based on genomic classifier test), age, other medical problems, and lifestyle

 • Short tables of bullet points to provide clinical context for the decision aid subject, to alleviate anxiety, to clarify difference between cancer genomics and human genetic code, and to explain how the personalized model provides a patient-centered framework to contemplate genomic testing results

 • Simple figures and graphs to communicate differences in estimated QALYs as well as risks of treatment-related toxicities, metastasis and death from prostate cancer versus other causes

 • The length of the primary report will be limited, to minimize information overload, and model design details and average (base-case) model results will be relegated to an Additional file 1 document for those who are interested