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Table 4 Summary of design implications

From: Physicians’ pharmacogenomics information needs and seeking behavior: a study with case vignettes



Facilitate berry-picking strategy

Provide multiple information berries in single content view. E.g. a bulleted synopsis of alternative treatments, evidence (including demographic data), indications, cost, other testing logistics

Facilitate berry-picking strategy

Guide user through information gathering process. E.g. provide basic pharmacogenomics information, such as the strength of clinical evidence, prior to providing logistical details

Provide clarity of sought after details

Unmask details which are hard to find and sought after. E.g. Clarify demographic prevalence data, and provide clear indications of alternative therapy that obviates the need for pharmacogenomic testing

Provide information on logistics

List laboratories offering test(s), provide test availability, highlight time to result, indicate insurance coverage and cost of test(s), provide a means to access an expert (either colleague who frequently uses the test or a pharmacogenomics expert)

Provide navigation support

Meaningful content headings and hyperlink labels.

Reduce navigation effort and short-term memory overload

Provide context specific information juxtaposed to relevant patient data