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Table 2 Proportion of alerts (mean and standard error) given either a suggestion of no action (i.e. no concern indicated either directly following review of the data or after the simulated call) or action (concern indicated with either follow-up, medication adjustment or sending a community nurse) together with the percentage of raw agreement (i.e. the average proportion of rater-pairs agreeing of the total possible rater-pair agreements) with bootstrapped 95% confidence intervals. The Fleiss kappa statistic excluded cases in which not all clinicians provided a rating (total: arm A, 281 cases with 8 raters; arm P, 147 + 85 cases with 4 + 4 raters)

From: Simulated case management of home telemonitoring to assess the impact of different alert algorithms on work-load and clinical decisions

Indicated response


Arm A

Arm P

No action

Proportion of alerts

50.5 ± 6.2%

40.6 ± 7.1%

Agreement across participants on response

66.8% (63.4–69.8)

57.5% (52.1–62.4)

Action (concern indicated)

Proportion of alerts

49.5 ± 6.2%

59.4 ± 7.1%

Agreement across participants on response

66.4% (62.7–69.6)

72.8% (69.0–76.3)


Fleiss’s Kappa statistic

.334 (.329–.340)

.305 (.291–.319)