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Table 2 Non-supported claims and claims based on potentially biased evidence of drug advertisements in major Swiss medical journals in 2005

From: Accuracy of drug advertisements in medical journals under new law regulating the marketing of pharmaceutical products in Switzerland



Supported claims

Not supported claims

Claims based on potentially biased evidence

Drug claims


37 (47%)

16 (21%)

25 (32%)

Analgesic drugs


14 (44%)

10 (31%)

8 (25%)

Psychopharmacologic drugs


17 (57%)

3 (10%)

10 (33%)

Gastrointestinal drugs


6 (38%)

3 (19%)

7 (43%)

Promotional claims




31 (84%)

14 (88%)

21 (84%)


6 (8%)

2 (5%)

1 (6%)

3 (12%)


3 (4%)

1 (3%)

1 (6%)

1 (4%)


2 (3%)

2 (5%)



1 (1%)

1 (3%)


Type of non-supported claim


   False statement


4 (25%)




4 (25%)


   Unjustified generalization


3 (19%)


   Absence of relation


3 (19%)


   Unjustified transfer to humans


2 (13%)


Type of claims based on potentially biased evidence


   Abstract only


9 (36%)

   Selection bias


6 (24%)

   Publication bias


5 (20%)

   Information of ≥ 3 quality items of RCT* missing


4 (16%)

   Post hoc analysis


1 (4%)

  1. RCT*, randomised controlled trial