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Table 5 Summary of analyses for the RCT of Quick Clinical.

From: Protocol for the Quick Clinical study: a randomised controlled trial to assess the impact of an online evidence retrieval system on decision-making in general practice

Analyses to determine impact of Quick Clinical on decision-making

1. Baseline comparisons between control and intervention groups (unadjusted data)

   a) proportion of prescriptions by ATC* categories and in priority areas (using 12 months retrospective data)

   b) case-mix (age-gender distribution of patients)

   c) participants' profile (gender, age, place of graduation, geographic distribution, computer skills)

2. Interim analyses at 6 months

   a) analyses of baseline prescribing data. Reports of interim analyses affecting the ongoing conduct of the trial and interpretation of final results

3. Using an intention to treat analysis (i.e. irrespective of patterns of QC use in the intervention group) we will include all participants in the primary analyses using adjusted data to determine:

   a) broad differences in proportion of prescriptions by ATC classification

   b) specific differences in proportion of prescriptions by priority area (e.g. Antibiotics prescribed for URTI)

   c) differences in prescription patterns in response to new evidence of the effectiveness of new or existing treatments

   d) differences in non-pharmacological treatments

   e) analysis of prescription changes relative to search categories

  1. *Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical classification system