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Table 5 Descriptive statistics for all dichotomous (preoperative and intraoperative) predictors included in the model and for some essential postoperative variables in three groups of patients: group I, where the difference between the model estimate and the actual number of packs transfused was greater than two (303 patients); group II, where the absolute value of the difference between the number of packs transfused and the number estimated by model was not more than two packs (2574 patients); group III, where the difference between the actual number of packs transfused and the model estimate was greater than two packs (438 patients)

From: A simple clinical model for planning transfusion quantities in heart surgery


Frequency count and percentage in group I

Frequency count and percentage in group II

Frequency count and percentage in group III

Preoperative and intraoperative predictors included in the model

Hctadmission ≤ 40%

257 (84.8%)

1450 (56.3%)

266 (60.7%)

CBP time > 130 min

222 (73.3%)

929 (36.1%)

200 (45.7%)

Minimum HctCBP ≤ 20%

108 (35.6%)

333 (12.9%)

92 (21.0%)

Surgical procedure different

from isolated CABG

230 (75.9%)

1098 (42.7%)

231 (52.7%)

Age > 70 years

212 (70.0%)

1146 (44.5%)

241 (55.0%)

Cardiogenic shock

9 (29.0%)

17 (54.8%)

5 (16.1%)

Preoperative dialysis

7 (2.3%)

8 (0.3%)

6 (1.4%)

Systemic arterial hypertension

243 (80.2%)

1701 (66.1%)

28 (64.6%)


22 (7.3%)

220 (8.5%)

4 (10.3%)


19 (6.3%)

37 (1.4%)

10 (2.3%)

Postoperative variables


150 (49.5%)

812 (31.5%)

311 (71.0%)

Reoperation for bleeding

14 (4.6%)

57 (2.2%)

118 (26.9%)

Lung dysfunction

58 (19.1%)

280 (10.9%)

178 (40.6%)

Low cardiac output

54 (17.8%)

239 (9.3%)

149 (34.0%)

Cardiac arrhythmia

37 (12.2%)

193 (7.5%)

64 (14.6%)


2 (0.7%)

15 (0.6%)

18 (4.1%)


3 (1.0%)

19 (0.7%)

11 (2.5%)

Acute kidney failure

4 (1.3%)

26 (1.0%)

41 (9.4%)

Kidney dysfunction

16 (5.3%)

103 (4.0%)

21 (4.8%)


2 (0.7%)

7 (0.3%)

17 (3.8%)


3 (1.0%)

17 (0.7%)

31 (7.8%)

Sternal wound infection

2 (0.7%)

7 (0.3%)

8 (1.8%)


4 (1.3%)

26 (1.0%)

28 (6.4%)

Mechanical ventilation > 1 day

50 (16.5%)

206 (8.0%)

166 (37.9%)

Intensive care > 5 days

30 (5.2%)

135 (9.9%)

128 (29.2%)

  1. Hct = hematocrit; CPB = cardiopulmonary bypass; CABG = coronary artery bypass graft.