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Table 1 Parameters in GRIP and GRIP-II

From: Implementation and evaluation of a nurse-centered computerized potassium regulation protocol in the intensive care unit - a before and after analysis


From the hospital information system

From the nurse

Parameters requested for glucose control.

- Last glucose measurement

- Nurse identification


- Enteral feeding


- Stomach retention


- Intravenous glucose dose


- Current insulin pump rate


- Mean arterial pressure > 70 mmHg (yes/no)


- Noradrenaline dose


- Dopamin dose


- Steroid administration (yes/no)

Added parameters for potassium control.

- Last potassium measurement

- Diuresis over the last 6 hours


- Last creatinine measurement

- Presence of renal replacement therapy

  1. As the list indicates, four additional input parameters were needed to incorporate potassium control into the existing glucose regulation program. Only two of these parameters had to be entered by nurses.