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Table 6 Characteristics of data associated with the female patient (Number of patients N = 311)

From: Exploring sex disparities in cardiovascular disease risk factors using principal component analysis and latent class analysis techniques

Feature Discretion

Value Range

cp: Chest pain

0 = typical angina 133 (42.7%)

1 = atypical angina 57 (18.3%)

2 = non-angina pain 109 (35%)

3 = asymptomatic 13 (4%)

trestbps: Resting blood pressure in mmHg on admission to the hospital

Min: 94

Mean: 133.7019

Max: 200

chol: Serum cholesterol in mg/dl

Min: 126

Mean: 261.4551

Max: 564

restecg: Resting electrocardiographic results

0 = normal 144 (46.3%)

1 = ST-T wave abnormality 156 (50.2%)

2 = left ventricular hypertrophy 11 (3.5%)

oldpeak: ST depression induced by exercise relative to rest

Min: 0

Mean: 0.921154

Max: 6.2

slope: The slope of the peak exercise ST segment

0 = up sloping 17 (5.5%)

1 = flat 149 (47.9%)

2 = down sloping 145 (46.6%)

ca: Number of significant vessels colored by fluoroscopy

0 – 204 (65.5%)

1 – 49 (15.8%)

2 – 45 (14.5%)

3 – 13 (4.2%)

thal: Thallium stress test

1 = normal 7 (2.3%)

2 = fixed defect 250 (80.4%)

3 = reversible defect 54 (17.4%)