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Table 1 Description of the HOT-fit domains [23]

From: Factors influencing the implementation of decision support systems for antibiotic prescription in hospitals: a systematic review




System quality

System quality measures the inherent features of a system including system performance and user interface. Examples of system quality measures are ease of use, ease of learning, availability, system flexibility, and security

Information quality

Measures of information quality are concerned with information produced by the system. Criteria that can be used for Information quality are information completeness, accuracy, legibility, timeliness, availability, relevancy, consistency and reliability

Service quality

Service quality is concerned with the overall support delivered by the service provider of the system and can be measured through quick responsiveness, assurance, empathy and follow up service



Organization structure consists of nature including culture, politic, hierarchy, autonomy, planning and support systems, strategy, management and communication. Leadership and top management support can also be measured from the organization factors


The environment can be analyzed through its financing source, government, politics, localization, competition, inter-organizational relationship as well as legal regulations


System use

System use relates to the person who uses it, their levels of use, training, knowledge, belief, expectation and acceptance or resistance


User satisfaction is often used to measure system success. It is subjective in nature as it depends on whose satisfaction is measured. User satisfaction is defined as the overall evaluation of a user’s experience in using the system and the potential impact of the system. User Satisfaction can be related to user’s perceived usefulness and attitudes towards a system

Net benefits

Net benefits capture the balance of positive and negative impacts on user, which includes clinicians, managers and IT-staff, system developers, hospitals or the entire healthcare sector