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Table 1 Semi-structured interview guide to explore the needs for an E = M-tool in hospital care

From: Implementing Exercise = Medicine in routine clinical care; needs for an online tool and key decisions for implementation of Exercise = Medicine within two Dutch academic hospitals



Objectives for using the E = M-tool

What are objectives for using the E = M-tool?

Who should be able to use this tool?

Who should be able to view the information?

What should be your role in using this tool?

Should it be possible to protect certain data from certain job profiles?

Should data be shareable with other departments, healthcare professionals, external parties?

Do you have any additions?

Input for an E = M-tool

What patient information should be measured?

  Prompts: exercise, motivation, health, other?

How is the patient information obtained?

Which decision tree and norm values are used to weigh the input?

Do you have any additions?

Output of an E = M-tool

What output is generated?

  Prompts: PA benefits, health gain by exercise?

Are scores compared to norm values?

For whom is the output?

Is it just a referral tool, or should also an exercise advice be given?

How is the PA advice visualized?

Is the PA advice stored in the EMR?

Is the PA advice one-off or does it have follow-ups?

Is the PA advice shared with other paramedics?

Is feedback given on the patient's progress in the follow-up?

How do you want to receive the feedback on the patient’s progress?

Technical aspects of an E = M-tool

Does the tool need to be linked to the EMR?

Should specific patient data be retrievable from the EMR?

What security requirements must be applied regarding data security of medical information?

Who should have access to the tool?

With which providers will be collaborated?

Should conditional regulations be applied about privacy and data security?

  1. E = M Exercise is medicine, PA physical activity, EMR Electronical Medical Record