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Table 2 Requested input and available options when registering a headache attack in the mBrain app

From: mBrain: towards the continuous follow-up and headache classification of primary headache disorder patients

Requested information

Available options

Pain intensity

No pain (0), mild pain (1), moderate pain (2), severe pain (3), very severe pain (4)

Headache location(s)

Cervical left; cervical mid; cervical right; frontal left; frontal mid; frontal right; mandibular left; mandibular right; maxillar left; maxillar right; occipital left; occipital mid; occipital right; orbital left; orbital right; parietal left; parietal mid; parietal right; temporal left; temporal right

Headache symptom(s)

Conjunctival injection; lacrimation; ptosis; miosis; eyelid oedema; nasal congestion; rhinorrhoea; sweaty forehead and face; pulsating pain; movement sensitivity / pain increment during routine physical activity; restlessness or agitation; photophobia; phonophobia; osmophobia; nausea; vomiting

Headache trigger(s)

Alcohol; atmospheric pressure difference; bright light; caffeine; change in weather; cold; coughing; decreased water intake; flickering light; heat; height; holiday; illnesses; loud sounds; medication; menstrual cycle; physical exercise; pressing; relieve from stress; resolvents; sexual intercourse; skipping of meals; sleep deprivation; sleeping away; smells/odors; sneezing; specific head movements; stress; touch

  1. The information is applicable to both mBrain v1 and v2. For all information except pain intensity, more than one option can be selected by the participant. In mBrain v2, the option “none of those” can also be selected for headache symptoms and headache triggers if no other option is selected. The available options for pain intensity and headache symptoms are based on the diagnostic criteria of migraine and cluster headache in ICHD-3 [3]