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Table 2 Examples of under-specifications in categories with prevalence in over 50% of narrative phenotypes algorithms

From: Under-specification as the source of ambiguity and vagueness in narrative phenotype algorithm definitions






Definition of variable

Attributes of variable

1. For Bilirubin, do we need to collect total bilirubin, [conjugated], [unconjugated], or all

2. By critical care, do you mean emergency department and/or other "critical" departments, & if so, which types? intensive care, and/or some type of cardiac critical care?


Time point

Temporal entity

1. TPN Dx are only excluded if the [sic] occur in the 365 days before first NAFLD Diagnosis code?

2. Which date selected if there are multiple CPTs on multiple dates? What is the definition of the 1st MACE event?


Definition of variable

Code/acronym/term definition

1. Clarification on use of “3 digit” ICD code

2. Are LOINC codes available for MRSA culture tests?



Population criteria

1. Case 1 & 2 criteria are "AND" criteria, i.e., all 3 criteria must be met?

2. How can we define a case who satisfies the criteria defined for both case 1 and 2?


Data dictionary

Information inclusion

1. Data dictionary indicates that you want height, weight, and BMI as repeated measures. Should the user include all such codes?

2. Do you only want the encounters (LOS) that only have height or weight?