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Table 3 Potential elements of supportive aid for prognosis assessment (open and checkbox questions)

From: The perceived importance of prognostic aspects considered by physicians during work disability evaluation: a survey


What should a prognosis assessment method provide you with?


A simple instrument that can easily be used in practice


It must be evidence-based, identify treatment options for the disorder, course of the disease


I would prefer to have a document in which the pros and cons of the forecast are weighed on the basis of current evidence


Model to weigh factors

Information in prognosis aid:

What information should this prognosis assessment aid contain?


All items mentioned in the case vignette


Summary of relevant aspects


Evidence-based information, info on the nature [of the] disease in time plusa therapeutic options


Figures, facts, and substantiation (references)


All necessary: (1) [is there complete work disability according to the labor expert]b (2) search path (to be copied) in case of [a] possible [search in] PubMed/Medline or other search (3) info [sic] about prognosis of the most common diseases (from relevant literature such as systematic reviews)


[T]he most important factors you should take into account and what weight they carry for your judgment


Summary of known research about the disease. Prognostically favorable/unfavorable factors


[I]nstruction or checklist in a general sense. [W]ith psychological complaints pay attention to a, b, c etc.[,] with neurologic [ones]: pay attention to a, b, c, etc. So disease-related

  1. aPlus symbol in original
  2. bSubstituted for abbreviated jargon in original