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Table 6 Example of preferred terms which have more than two “CDRH-NCIt terms” (English terms in parentheses)

From: Terminology integration and inconsistency identification of adverse event terminology for Japanese medical devices using SPARQL


Preferred term

CDRH-NCIt term

Medical device problems

ねじれ (twisted)

Material twisted, kinked

アラーム誤作動 (defective alarm)

Defective alarm, improper alarm, device alarm system issue

アラーム音不良 (alarm sound failure)

Device alarm system issue, not audible alarm

変形 (deformation)

“Lens aberration, distortion of,” material distortion,

“Quality, unsatisfactory or poor,”

Material deformation, “component(s), broken,”

Material deformation material deformation,

bend, material integrity issue

Patient problems

巨大乳頭結膜炎 (giant papillary conjunctivitis)

Foreign body reaction, hypersensitivity, conjunctivitis

湿疹 (eczema)

Rash, skin inflammation

アレルギー反応 (allergic reaction)

Hypersensitivity, allergic reaction

穿孔 (perforation)

“Vessels, perforation of,” cardiac perforation, perforation, injury