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Table 5 Root causes of the challenges of educating cardiovascular patients

From: A novel approach to educate hospitalized cardiovascular disease patients about lifestyle and behavior modifications

The challenges

Root causes of the challenges

HR13: The nurse is too busy to allocate enough time to educational affairs


Lack of time management

Incorrect perception of education

Lack of motivation

No extra financial bonus for holding educational classes

Lack of human resource

Lack of allocated budget

Inefficient management decisions

Ineffective methods

No group education classes by the nurses

No repetition of training during presenting clinical services

HR2 & HR5: The patient does not understand the meaning of education content, and the patient does not understand the standard language


Low literacy

Old age

Linguistic and cultural differences


Poor expression skills

Lack of work interest

Poor teaching skills

Educational tools

Difficult language of written educational tools

Lack of diversity and attractiveness

HR1: The patient does not listen carefully and does not accompany the educator


Not being interested in learning

Unfavorable physical and mental status

Not knowing the importance of education


Not paying due attention to the patient

Little experience

Poor expression skills

Weak personal characteristics

No extra financial bonus for holding educational classes

Lack of motivation

Educational tools

Lack of diversity and attractiveness

Inaccessible during the classes

Lack of interactive multimedia tools

HR11: Some of the patient's caregivers request for the same education that has already been given to the patient

caregivers' education

caregivers' education is not considered important according to lack of a clear plan for involving them in the education

Educational tools and caregivers

Lack of educational tools

Not distributing the available sources among all caregivers present in the wards

HR3: The patient forgets


Not repeating and reviewing for the patient

Not evaluating the patient

Difficulty in memorizing the education content

Educational tools

Lack of diversity and attractiveness

Inaccessible during the classes

Lack of interactive multimedia tools



Mental status

Physical status

HR8: The patient does not accept the illness, or the mental problems resulting from the illness decrease the education effectiveness

The patient's mental condition is not considered

There is no mechanism for the initial evaluation of all patients' mental condition

New tools and technologies are not practically used in patient education

E6: The education room or the inpatient ward room is small, and there are not adequate group classrooms

Patient status

Impossibility of moving the patient to another room

Available space

Lack of suitable space

E13: New tools & technologies are not used in patient education

The current system (Internet Radio)

Lack of a suitable notification system for patients

Not being attractive and dynamic


Lack of infrastructure

Insufficient financing

Management not being familiar with new educational tools

HR17: Some nurses have low communicational skills


Little experience

Weak personal characteristics

Poor expression skills


Insufficient in-service training

Lack of organizational commitment due to frequent relocation of personnel