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Table 1 Examples of regular expression (rules)

From: Construction of the cervical cancer common terminology for promoting semantic interoperability and utilization of Chinese clinical data

Regular expression


Body part + symptom

阴道出血/Vaginal bleeding

Attribute + symptom

接触性出血/Contact bleeding

Body part + Attribute + symptom

阴道不规则出血/Vagina irregular bleeding

Attribute + body part + symptom

接触性阴道出血/Contact vaginal bleeding

Attribute + body part + Attribute + symptom

同房后阴道出血/Postcoital vagina irregular bleeding

Radiotherapy site + Radiotherapy technology

盆腔适形放射治疗Pelvic conformal radiotherapy

Radiation modality + Radiotherapy technology

骨盆大野放射治疗/Large field radiotherapy of pelvis