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Table 6 Summary of qualitative data general themes, sub-themes and response categories

From: Implementation challenges and perception of care providers on Electronic Medical Records at St. Paul’s and Ayder Hospitals, Ethiopia



Response categories

EMR implementation

Deployment objective

Improve service quality, efficiency, decrease hospital cost

Current system status

Functioning at Ayder and failed at SPHMMC

Dependency on the system at Ayder

Using the manual system at SPHMMC

ICT infrastructure

IT facilities and equipment

Network infrastructure

Availability of equipment and facilities

IT support theme

IT personnel

System administrators

IT experts


Management commitment

Priority in the plan

Insure readiness of the hospitals

Participation of care providers

Availability of champions

Top level management commitment

Training and follow up



Low staff awareness

Resistance from the health workers

Lack of skill

Lack of training

Work load on physicians


Non availability of fund


Low level of management commitment

Poor project management

Change management


Lack of equipment

Lack of standard/certified EMR system

Poor ICT infrastructure, slow network connection

Lack of technical expertise/IT

Lack of system Interoperability and integration

Lack of ease of use

Data security/vulnerability

Success factors/facilitators


Management commitment

Skilled manpower

Change management

Good project management, long term perspective

Team sprit

Training and follow up, motivation

IT experts/system developers

Availability of Champion


Availability of fund

Incentives mechanism


Infrastructure, equipment

Network speed

Hardware and standard software availability