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Table 1 Hyperparameters used in the several models

From: Prediction of long-term hospitalisation and all-cause mortality in patients with chronic heart failure on Dutch claims data: a machine learning approach

Backward logistic regression

 Select criterion: significance level

 Stay significance level: 0.05

Elastic Net

 Alpha: 0–1 stepped by 0.1

 Lambda*: 0.001 to 100.000 in 80 exponential increasing steps

 Folds for cross validation: 10

Random forest

 Max trees

 Max depth

 Split criterion: Gini

Neural network

 Type: fully connected feed forward

 Architecture: 1–3 hidden layer with 10–100 nodes

  1. *The lambda sequence is created using the following formula 10 ^ seq (from =  − 2, to = 5, by = 0.1). This generates 71 values from 0 to 100.000