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Table 4 Examples of attention mechanism in CSKG dataset

From: Path-based knowledge reasoning with textual semantic information for medical knowledge graph completion


状相关状(两眼上视障碍, 耳聋)?

Symptom-related symptoms(Binocular superior visual impairment, Epicophosis)?

High weight


The related symptom of the symptoms of upper binocular vision disorder is hearing loss, the related symptom of hearing loss is deafness.

Low weight

两眼上视障碍症状的相关疾病是偏头风, 偏头风疾病的相关疾病是小儿偏头痛, 小儿偏头痛疾病的相关症状是复视, 复视症状的相关症状是耳聋.

The related disease of the symptoms of visual disturbance in both eyes is migraine, the related disease of migraine is migraine in children, and the related symptom of migraine in children is diplopia, and the related symptom of diplopia is deafness.


相关药品(尿所致骨髓, 甲酚皂溶液)?

Disease-related diseases(Bone marrow disease caused by diabetes, Cresol soap solution)?

High weight

糖尿病所致骨髓疾病的相关症状是脊髓病变, 脊髓病变的相关药品是甲酚皂溶液.

The related symptom of bone marrow disease caused by diabetes is spinal cord lesions, and the related medicine for spinal cord lesions is cresol soap solution.

Low weight

糖尿病所致骨髓疾病的相关疾病是周围神经病损,周围神经病损疾病的相关症状是感觉过敏, 感觉过敏症状的相关疾病是神劳, 神劳疾病的相关症状是无力, 无力症状的相关疾病是重症肌无力危象, 重症肌无力疾病相关药品是甲酚皂溶液.

The related disease of bone marrow disease caused by diabetes is peripheral neuropathy, the related symptom of peripheral neuropathy is hyperesthesia, the related disease of hyperesthesia is mental fatigue, the related symptom of mental fatigue is weakness, and the related disease of weakness is myasthenia gravis, and the related medicine for myasthenia crisis is cresol soap solution.