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Fig. 1 | BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making

Fig. 1

From: Exploring polypharmacy with artificial intelligence: data analysis protocol

Fig. 1

Collaboration between three research axes and the main knowledge user. Three research axes will be interrelated throughout the project. While the AI axis will start the analysis of the surveillance data of the QICDSS, the Health axis will carry out a literature review on health outcomes that could be fed into subsequent AI axis research. The first results of the AI axis will be transmitted to the other two axes, which will ensure their ethical justifiability, social acceptability (Law&Ethics axis) and clinical relevance and the ability to be translated into concrete indicators for surveillance (Health axis). Feedback from the Health and Law&Ethics axes to the AI axis will allow to refine or to reorient its research. The indicators developed by the Health axis will also be transferred to the Law&Ethics axis to verify their social acceptability. The INSPQ will be involved in all stages, and the polypharmacy indicators selected at the end of the project will be integrated into the chronic disease surveillance

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