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Table 6 Baseline characteristics of study patients

From: Patient similarity analytics for explainable clinical risk prediction


n = 10,059

Missing, n (%)


Age (years), mean (SD)

63.2 (11.3)

0 (0.0)

Sex, males, n (%)

4131 (41.1)

0 (0.0)

Race, n (%)


0 (0.0)


8455 (84.1)



635 (6.3)



532 (5.3)



437 (4.3)


Body mass index (kg/m2), mean (SD)

25.2 (4.5)

1433 (14.2)

Systolic BP (mmHg), mean (SD)

129.8 (17.7)

60 (0.6)

Diastolic BP (mmHg), mean (SD)

70.6 (10.8)

60 (0.6)

HbA1ca (%)

7.1 (1.4)

7712 (76.6)*

LDLb (mmol/L)

3.1 (0.9)

2175 (21.6)#

HDLc (mmol/L)

1.5 (0.4)

2124 (21.1)#

TGd (mmol/L)

1.4 (0.9)

2124 (21.1)

Diagnosis, n (%)


0 (0.0)

Diabetes only

150 (1.5)


Hypertension only

1501 (14.9)


Hyperlipidemia only

2223 (22.1)


Diabetes & Hypertension

149 (1.5)


Diabetes & Hyperlipidemia

315 (3.1)


Hypertension & Hyperipidemia

4133 (41.1)


Diabetes, Hypertension & Hyperlipidemia

1588 (15.8)


Complications, n (%)


Not applicable@

Eye, n (%)

1180 (11.7)


Foot, n (%)

117 (1.2)


Kidney, n (%)

811 (8.1)


Macrovascular, n (%)

1119 (11.1)


Any of the above, n (%)

2590 (25.7)


Look-back duration (years), mean (SD)

4.1 (1.3)

Not applicable@

Look-forward duration (years), mean (SD)

4.1 (1.5)

Not applicable@

  1. a HbA1c: Hemoglobin A1c
  2. b LDL: Low-density lipoprotein
  3. c HDL: High-density lipoprotein
  4. d TG: Triglyceride
  5. * High number of missing values as not all patients had Diabetes to require a Hemoglobin A1c test
  6. # Discrepancy between LDL and HDL values as some patients had extremely high TG to invalidate calculated LDL
  7. @ Not applicable as these were derived data