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Table 1 Examples for domain paths

From: A method for interoperable knowledge-based data quality assessment

Domain path example


# item1 (string) = dataset-row/composition/ context/health_care_facility/name

Constant dataset-row followed by an openEHR archetype-path specifies which variable from the dataset constitutes the input for item1

# item0 (numeric) = dataset-row/[]/content[openehr-ehrobservation.laboratory_test_result.v1]/data


[at0098,'biopsy result final'] /value.countChildnodes(only_child)

The archetype-path is followed by an instruction..countChildnodes(only_child) indicates that not the contents in this archetype-path are of interest but the number of their child nodes

# item0 (numeric) = other_data_input: (iMM.tags.indexOf("check")>-1) && (iMM.tags.indexOf("per_")==-1).resultsValue

The domain path retrieves its input data from other MMs complying with the filter (iMM.tags.indexOf("check")>-1) && (iMM.tags.indexOf("per_")==-1). The instruction.resultsValue defines that the MM-results constitute the input data