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Table 2 Pitfalls/problems of big data

From: The concept of justifiable healthcare and how big data can help us to achieve it

Data quality


Completeness of data


 Informative missing data




 Representative for the problem at hand


Robustness of data


Correctness of data


Relevance of data


Representative data for the group at hand


Granularity of data


Definitions of data labels


 Not uniform


 Not precise


 Not clear




Information overload


Too much datapoints


Too much variables






Literature overload


 Fast evolution




Publication/Reporting bias


Non-reporting of data


Reporting of non-prespecified analyses




Unplanned sub-analysis and post-hoc analysis


Inappropriate statistical or methodological approach


Confusing causal and associative interpretations


Confusing statistical vs clinical relevance (the p-value problem)