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Table 1 DialysisConnect focus group guide

From: Making sense of DialysisConnect: a qualitative analysis of stakeholder viewpoints on a web-based information exchange platform to improve care transitions between dialysis clinics and hospitals

Initial open ended discussion

What comes to mind when you think about communicating with the dialysis clinic about a dialysis patient?

What communication about the patient do you typically have with the [dialysis clinics/hospital] upon hospital admission? Probe:

 Information needed and received

 Personnel who exchange information


 Time involved

What communication about the patient do you typically have with the [dialysis clinics/hospital] upon hospital discharge? Probe:

 Information needed and received

 Personnel who exchange information

 Format(s) of communication

 Time involved and timeliness

What is your opinion about the current communication process between hospitals and dialysis clinics? Probe:

 What is working well that should not be changed?

 What is problematic about the process?

 How well does the current process serve patients?

 How could the process be improved?

Prototype response discussion

What are your initial reactions to the video you saw?

Now I’d like to get your thoughts about each part of the flow process in the prototype

 Logging in

 Inputs to find dialysis patient

 Information in patient profile

 Initial hospital reason

 Request to dialysis clinic to upload needed information and documents

 Quick visual cue panel

 Process for reminding dialysis clinic if requested information or documents is not received

 Discharge information for hospital side to upload

 Personnel and roles

Summary discussion

What would the addition of DialysisConnect mean for hospital providers? How would it be different from current practice?

[Summary of discussion.] Is this an adequate summary of what we discussed? Is there anything else you would like to add?