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Table 3 Annotated UMLS® semantic groups (SG) and semantic types, with examples

From: A clinical trials corpus annotated with UMLS entities to enhance the access to evidence-based medicine


Semantic types



Anatomical structure; body location or region; body part organ or organ component; body space or junction; body substance; body system; cell component; cell; embryonic structure; fully formed anatomical structure; tissue

Sangre (‘blood’), músculo (‘muscle’)


Amino acid, peptide, or protein; antibiotic; biologically active substance; carbohydrates; chemical; chemical viewed functionally; chemical viewed structurally; clinical drug; element, ion, or isotope; enzyme; hazardous or poisonous substance; hormone; immunologic factor; indicator, reagent, or diagnostic aid; inorganic chemical; nucleic acid, nucleoside, or nucleotide; organic chemical; pharmacological substance; receptor; vitamin

ADN (‘DNA’), antibiótico (‘antibiotic’), penicilina (‘penicillin’), tacrolimus, retinol, calcio (‘calcium’)


Acquired abnormality; anatomical abnormality; cell or molecular dysfunction; congenital abnormality; disease or syndrome; experimental model of disease; injury or poisoning; mental or behavioural dysfunction; pathologic function; neoplastic process; sign or symptom

Cancer, diabetes, fiebre (‘fever’), mutación (‘mutation’)


Diagnostic procedure; health care activity; laboratory procedure; molecular biology research technique; research activity; therapeutic or preventive procedure

Hemograma (‘hemogram’), diálisis     (‘dialysis’)