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Table 2 Summary of adjustments

From: What matters to me – a web-based preference elicitation tool for clients in long-term care: a user-centred design



Phase I (Look and Feel)

- Change all pictures of the tool into more neutral pictures.

- Colours:

More colour requested in the starting page (top picture).

The composition of colours more into one line over all pages of the tool.

- Remove the time indication at the start of a category.

- Add the option ‘not applicable’ to all propositions.

- The button towards the overview needs to become more visible.

- The configuration of the messages on the overview page need to change in order to make the messages more logical.

Phase II (Navigation)

- Visualization is necessary in order to scroll down on the homepage.

- Make the accompanying texts shorter and more personal for the user.

- The category money needs a revision:

What is the purpose of this category? More information is required.

New propositions such as “I want to know the costs for my care.” and “I need assistance with my administrative tasks.”

- Clients ask for a read-aloud function.

- The homepage should make clear how people who assist clients during the search should use the tool.

- If someone finished one category, the explanation of the tool should change and include a suggestion to continue.

Phase III (Content)

- The language used should become as easy as possible.

- Propositions:

More examples of answer are useful.

Similar propositions should be combined.

Ordering needs more logic.

- Some aspects were missing:

Happiness and well-being “I need assistance to be happy.”

Children “When you have children: my children matter to me.”

Debts “Debts influence my life.”

Current living environment “I am happy at my own home.”

- More information how to contact people who can assist with the search for long-term care (Independent Care Coordinators).