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Table 1 Annotated examples

From: Distributed representation and one-hot representation fusion with gated network for clinical semantic textual similarity




s1: discus necessity member healthcare team male female participate procedure

s2: report represent interpretation original data trace store electronic record esophageal laboratory


s1: mother blood type o + hepatitis b negative hiv negative found gb positive

s2: patient undergone genetic test found brca1 2 negative well bart negative


s1: patient discharge home ambulate without assistance discharge instruction give patient

s2: patient left without see ambulate without assistance family drive accompany husband wife


s1: negative cardiovascular review system historian denies chest pain dyspnea exertion

s2: negative cardiovascular review system historian denies chest pain diaphoresis syncope palpitation


s1: patient education ready learn apparent learn barrier identify learn preference include listen

s2: assistance somali interpreter ready learn apparent learn barrier identify learn preference include listen


s1: nurse visit ten minute half spent counsel point test

s2: nurse visit ten minute half spent consultation point test