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Table 1 Description of Three Alerts Within Support-ED Tool

From: Design and implementation of a clinical decision support tool for primary palliative Care for Emergency Medicine (PRIM-ER)

Alert Name

Triggering Criteria

Target provider

Response options

Advance Care Planning Document Present

Active advanced care planning document + ESI 1 or 2


Inform and acknowledge

Active advance care planning document


Initiate a goals of care conversation.

Consider ordering a social work or palliative care consult.


Previous discharge disposition to hospice

Social Worker/Care Manager

Inform and acknowledge


Consider ordering a social work or palliative care consult.

Serious Life-limiting Illness without Advance Care Planning Documentation

Surrogates for “serious life limiting illness” including historical data points (previous order for palliative care consult, previous order for “Do Not Resuscitate”) and data points from current ED counter (e.g. albumin< 2 g/dL, GFR < 15 ml/min/m2)


Initiate a goals of care conversation.

Consider ordering a social work or palliative care consult.

  1. ESI Emergency Severity Index- a clinical triage acuity scoring tool between 1 and 5 1 = “most severe/urgent.”