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Table 2 Criteria for the domains of questions

From: Pelvic organ prolapse and treatment decisions– developing an online preference-sensitive tool to support shared decisions

Important criteria -Derived from the five themes found in field research


Impact on questions

Hormone level

The domain of symptoms

Led to 1 question about hormone level

A feeling of heaviness

Led to 7 questions in the survey

Introductory text:

What problems do you want the treatment to address?

E.g., question 3 (bulging) (Fig. 4) or question 4 (micturion) (Fig. 5).

A bulge in the vagina

Micturion problems

Defecation problems

The impact of the problems on sex life

The importance of sex life in the future

Worries and thoughts

Willingness to take risks in relation to sudden treatment-related problems

The domain of risk

Led to 3 questions in the survey

Introductory text:

Risk taking / Your willingness to take risks

Willingness to take risks in relation to transient treatment-related problems

Willingness to take risks in relation to long-lasting treatment-related problems

Hormones - applied in the vagina

The domain of effort

Led to 5 questions in the survey

Introductory text: Your willingness and ability for certain treatment consequences

Sick leave

Financial expenses

Pelvic floor muscle training

Lifestyle changes