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Table 2 The categories and subcategories extracted from data

From: Nurses’ experiences and viewpoints about the benefits of adopting information technology in health care: a qualitative study in Iran



1. Improving the quality and efficiency of medical services and care

-Reducing clinical risks and error

-Increasing staff safety

-Improving decision-making efficiency

-Maintaining continuity of care

-Improving workflow (work process) and planning care

2. Facilitating the communication management in the technological environment

-Improving inter-organizational communications

-Improving and expanding the intra-organizational communications

3.Improving information documentation, management, and monitoring

-Benefitting from simultaneous documentation and care

-Increasing data and documentation accessibility

-Increasing integrity of information

-Creating a precise and secure archive of documents and information

4. Improving resource management

-Reducing workload and paper work

-Saving non-nursing staff

- optimizing and purposeful activities

-Saving time and costs

5.Improving management performance and policy making

-Reinforcing a dynamic and responsive structure

-Improving accreditation and audit

-Facilitating the staff’ performance evaluation

6.Facilitating pathways of organizational and professional growth

-Creating aspiration to improve the informatics competencies

-Enhancing virtual training and facilitating the training process

-Developing technology according to the needs of healthcare providers